
Sunday 5 May 2013


      People carried out the Earth Hour event in a variety of ways for different lengths of time. There are plenty of people choose to continue keep their lights off well beyond the designated hour. Therefore, it is highly improbable that everyone will switch their lights back on simultaneously. However, the organizations do work with energy companies and authorities around the world, who assure them that the unlikely scenario of all lights turning back on at the same time will not cause any issues. The load reduction should not be significant enough to disrupt supply post Earth Hour. 

     On the other hand, Earth Hour does not purport to be an energy/carbon reduction exercise, it is a symbolic action. Therefore, we do not engage in the measurement of energy/carbon reduction levels. Earth Hour is a spontaneous to encourage individuals, businesses and governments around the world to take accountability for their ecological footprint and engage in dialogue and resource exchange that provides real solutions to our environmental challenges. Participation in Earth Hour symbolizes a commitment to change beyond the hour. 

      Earth Hour is a campaign for anyone and everyone who wants to share a commitment to make this planet better. Earth Hour uses social media to drive its campaign. Follow our stories on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr, Google +Instagram and of course, the IWIYW campaign on YouTube

Earth Hour. Earth Hour FAQS. Retrieved from

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